Please welcome our TAG long term sub, RuthAnn Funderburk! She will be taking over for me on September 5th until I return on December 4th. I am thrilled to have someone so kind and loving to support TAG learning and extend the curriculum with her own expertise. Ms. Funderburk taught 4th grade at Hyer Elementary for 12 years where she was given the honor of teacher of the year in 2006 and later served as her grade level chair for 2 years. She earned her graduate degree from SMU and did additional course work in the area of Gifted and Talented Education. We are so lucky to have her and the students are going to have an excellent learning experience with RuthAnn. I will be partnering with her to ensure TAG curriculum doesn't miss a beat while I am out. I will miss seeing your students' sweet faces everyday, but I am so happy to know that they are in such good hands.