Special Programs » Special Education at UP

Special Education at UP

University Park Elementary has an inclusive philosophy for providing Special Education supports to our students with a delicate balance of meeting student’s individual needs while ensuring they have a welcoming classroom for growth in their homeroom setting. We provide a robust variety of services for students who are in the General Education environment for the majority of the school day. 


  • Speech and Language services are provided for students with a variety of communication needs. 
  • Social Skills Groups are a safe learning environment for understanding the nuances of friendships,  body language and expected and unexpected behavior and responses.
  • Resource classes are an academic intervention for students who have a gap in their learning and need opportunities for reteach and differentiated instruction.
  • In-class Support is a collaboration between home room teachers and specialists to facilitate small group instruction in class or to provide 1:1 support for students who require some individualized scaffolding to be successful within the grade level curriculum
  • Counseling services are provided for students who need a safe place to identify and work through their emotions or behaviors that may be affecting their ability to participate fully in their academic and social pursuits. 
  • Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Adaptive Physical Education are provided in the classrooms and in our innovative Sensory Room complete with trampolines, swings, balance beams, weighted balls and individualized sensory menus.
  • Music Therapy is provided as needed, and is a part of weekly circle time in PreK
  • Audio and Visual specialists collaborate with special educators and homeroom teachers weekly to ensure students have accommodation and strategies for their particular learning differences.


UP is also home to two HPISD specialized programs for students with special needs. Our Positive Behavior Support (PBS) program is a restorative approach to self-regulation and behavior management. Our Pre-K Program is a beautiful hybrid of English as a Second Language learners, Students with special needs, and typically developing 3 and 4 year olds. Emergent language and social skills are nurtured throughout the day in our Pre K classroom and aligns with the curriculum taught at both Bradfield and Hyer Pre K classes. For application for HPISD Pre- K program as a tuition based student click here: HPISD Pre K Handbook


Our team of 13 service providers collaborate consistently and fluidly with parents and colleagues to ensure that all students are all students achieve their full learning potential in the least restrictive environment. 


As we have many learners who also have other types of specialized needs, our team meets and collaborates regularly with the school nurse, dyslexia specialist and our ESL teacher.