3rd Grade

Academic Skill Builders - It has a great selection of single player or multi player language arts and math games.
Fun Brain - This website is filled with math and reading games and so much more!
Funschool - There are games for all subjects, craft ideas, and printables to enjoy.
Internet4Classrooms - This website has many activities that involve all objectives studied in class.
KizClub - KIZCLUB provides lots of educational activities in language arts for preschool and elementary age children. Parents print this out for your child to do.
KidsClick! - It's a web search tool created by librarians.
PBS Kids - There are all kinds of kinds reading, math and science.
Study Jams- You can find over 200 Jams on topics like The Universe , listen to songs about Landforms , and test yourself on concepts like Range. Topics covered are math and science related.
Time for Kids- Time for Kids has a homework helper section full of helpful ideas- A+ Papers, Flash-card Maker, Grammar Wizard, Writer's Toolbox, and Writing Tools.
t utpup- Sign up for a free membership to have access to math and English games.
Reading/ Language Arts
Scholastic for Kids - Have fun with your favorite story characters.
Bab Books - It’s a site dedicated to children's stories. Comic Creator- Compose their own comic strips for a variety of contexts (prewriting, pre- and postreading activities, response to literature, and so on)
Game Goo - Game Goo is so much fun. There are lots of educational games that help develop early reading skills.
Letter Generator- Learn to identify all the essential parts of a business or friendly letter, and then generate letters by typing information into letter templates
Postcard Creator- Learn to identify all the typical parts of a postcard, and then generate their own postcard messages by typing information into templates.
Printing Press- Create newspapers, brochures, and flyers.
Reading Eggs- Reading Eggs supports your child's reading growth by offering individual, one-on-one lessons that allow children to progress at their own rate.
Spelling City - It's a site focused on spelling and vocabulary development.
Trading Card Creator- Demonstrate their literacy knowledge and skill when writing about popular culture texts or real world examples.
Carrot Sticks - This is an online multiplayer game to work on math skills and compete with children around the world. With the basic plan, you can practice your addition skills. Upgrade your plan for more practice options.
Houghton Mifflin Mathematics - This site is by Houghton Mifflin. All you have to do is pick an activity and a grade.
IXL - Get a membership to IXL and have a great assortment of math practice activities.
The Learning Box - This site offers hands-on math activities.
Teaching Time - You will have fun practicing telling time.
Harcourt Math Advantage - There are activities and practice at each grade level.
Math Magician - This site offers practice in basic math facts.
Math Playground - Practice math skills, play logic games, and have some fun.
Money Desk - Practice counting money on this site. Pick your difficulty level and then help the character count the money.
Moon Math - Practice your multiplication by choosing the correct alien.